Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Movie The Dark Knight Essay - 1822 Words

The movie The Dark Knight (2008) is in the genre of superhero films. Superhero films are movies that deal with vigilantes saving the city from criminals. Since the release of superhero films, criminals have become more evil, heroes have become more violent and victims have become more innocent. They have also become more graphic and the crimes have become more unjustifiable. Crime is a key component of superhero hero films and is often used to show injustice towards the state. To control crime, society has to try and deter crime by adding punishment that outweigh the rewards. Some people are biologically more crime oriented than others and it creates natural born criminals such as the Joker, the main antagonist in the movie who constantly challenges the notion of justice. He becomes personal with Batman forcing him to come face to face with his ideals, trying to show him how irrational being good is. Batman, in turn, attempts to put a stop to the Joker’s anarchy with the techn ology at his disposal. Harvey Dent is considered a symbol of hope because he relentlessly pursues criminals through legal means as Gotham’s District Attorney. The Criminal Justice System is then corrupted by the Joker, which results in the death of Rachel Dawes, Harvey’s girlfriend. The two of them were captured by corrupt police officers and tied to explosives in two different buildings all while the Joker was in prison. The Joker then tricks batman into saving Harvey when he thought that he was goingShow MoreRelatedThe Dark Knight Movie : Movie Summary Of The Dark Knight750 Words   |  3 PagesThe Dark Knight Movie Summary The Dark Knight movie portrays its self as a fantasy however, the movie relates back to everyday society very well in indirect fashions. 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To contr ol crime society has to try and deter crime by adding punishmentRead MoreThe Dark Knight Is Not A Superhero Movie1224 Words   |  5 Pages The Dark Knight is considered one of the best superhero movies of the decade. But is it actually a super hero movie? After 9-11 Hollywood has adopted terrorism like scenes into many of its movies. Almost every scene, In the Dark Knight, involves terrorism. However many label the movie a superhero movie. The Dark Knight is not a superhero movie, in-fact it’s a very realistic portrayal of terrorism in our society. Batman is the main protagonist in the Dark Knight and is widely considered a superheroRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Dark Knight 1647 Words   |  7 Pagesthe villain† (The Dark Knight). There is a certain monstrosity that lives inside of everyone, and all it takes is a particular situation to highlight this truth. Monstrosity destroys the categories that humans tend to place objects and people into. 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Some men just wanna watch the world burn...† Having artfully explored the origins of the caped crusader in Batman Begins, director Christopher Nolan puts Gotham City under a completely new perspective in The Dark Knight, the thrilling second instalment of his superb reinvention of the superhero franchise. Gotham has returned to a state of fraudulence and criminality. Crime lurks at every corner. People are terrified to go out at night. Citizens are relying on

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