Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Negative Impact of Video Game Violence on Children...

There has been a lot of factors linked to child aggression. One of biggest factors is children playing violent video games. Although video games are commonly used by children there can be negative effects when introduced to violent video games. Recent studies have shown a correlation between violent video games and the behavior of young children. Violent video games influence childrens behavior because their attitudes become more aggressive, the availability of violent games has become very easy for children , and with the help of technology the graphics of the video games make the game look identical to real life. Iowa Sate University did a study on how the violence in video games affect the childrens attitude. Iowa Sate University†¦show more content†¦Most parents, when buying games for their children, either do not know what games they are buying or if they do know they do not know the content that is on that game. The games that children want are mostly violent games because those types of games seem to be the ones that are the most appealing to them. The graphics in games now make the game almost look as if it were real life. That has brought the video game industry a lot more players and part of those new gamers are young children. The issue is when a child is presented with a violent video game that has really good graphics the child has a better understanding of what is going on in that game. Because children can relate what is going in the video game to the real world, that leads children to believe that the actions being done in that video game are accepted in society. If the children believe that its right from them to do violent actions that they learned from the game there attitude starts becoming more aggressive. Anne Harding says â€Å"children who watch violence in the media can internalize the message that the world is a hostile place...†. A major opposition to violence video games leading to aggression is that the research t hat was done is not a valid research. Henry Jenkins said â€Å"...most of those studies are inconclusive and many have been criticized on methodological grounds† (2). The studies are not inconclusive because in the studies that the researchers do theyShow MoreRelatedEng 1011630 Words   |  7 PagesViolence in Music Videos and Music Lyrics has a negative impact on children. Music videos that expose profanity and sexuality are inappropriate and leave a negative impression on young children. Violence in music videos can cause health problem. Music videos that promote negative lyrics are affecting young children. Music lyrics with vulgar languages affect the development and well-being of young children. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Movie The Dark Knight Essay - 1822 Words

The movie The Dark Knight (2008) is in the genre of superhero films. Superhero films are movies that deal with vigilantes saving the city from criminals. Since the release of superhero films, criminals have become more evil, heroes have become more violent and victims have become more innocent. They have also become more graphic and the crimes have become more unjustifiable. Crime is a key component of superhero hero films and is often used to show injustice towards the state. To control crime, society has to try and deter crime by adding punishment that outweigh the rewards. Some people are biologically more crime oriented than others and it creates natural born criminals such as the Joker, the main antagonist in the movie who constantly challenges the notion of justice. He becomes personal with Batman forcing him to come face to face with his ideals, trying to show him how irrational being good is. Batman, in turn, attempts to put a stop to the Joker’s anarchy with the techn ology at his disposal. Harvey Dent is considered a symbol of hope because he relentlessly pursues criminals through legal means as Gotham’s District Attorney. The Criminal Justice System is then corrupted by the Joker, which results in the death of Rachel Dawes, Harvey’s girlfriend. The two of them were captured by corrupt police officers and tied to explosives in two different buildings all while the Joker was in prison. The Joker then tricks batman into saving Harvey when he thought that he was goingShow MoreRelatedThe Dark Knight Movie : Movie Summary Of The Dark Knight750 Words   |  3 PagesThe Dark Knight Movie Summary The Dark Knight movie portrays its self as a fantasy however, the movie relates back to everyday society very well in indirect fashions. 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To contr ol crime society has to try and deter crime by adding punishmentRead MoreThe Dark Knight Is Not A Superhero Movie1224 Words   |  5 Pages The Dark Knight is considered one of the best superhero movies of the decade. But is it actually a super hero movie? After 9-11 Hollywood has adopted terrorism like scenes into many of its movies. Almost every scene, In the Dark Knight, involves terrorism. However many label the movie a superhero movie. The Dark Knight is not a superhero movie, in-fact it’s a very realistic portrayal of terrorism in our society. Batman is the main protagonist in the Dark Knight and is widely considered a superheroRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Dark Knight 1647 Words   |  7 Pagesthe villain† (The Dark Knight). There is a certain monstrosity that lives inside of everyone, and all it takes is a particular situation to highlight this truth. Monstrosity destroys the categories that humans tend to place objects and people into. When one contemplates what classifies as monstrous, many immediately consider biological categories that a monster might shatter. Nevertheless, a monster’s actions can also lead to a fracturing of categorization, such as in The Dark Knight (2008) when Gotham’sRead MoreMovie Review : The Dark Knight1294 Words   |  6 Pagesremember the first time I ever watched The Dark Knight better than any movie I’ve ever seen. My older brother had just gotten the DVD of 2008’s summer blockbuster film as a gift and invited me to watch it with him in his room. I t was late on a Friday night, and I made a bed of blankets on his floor, laid there with a bowl of buttery popcorn by my side, and engaged myself into a true masterpiece of the film industry. After that night, I watched that movie many times over and over again without exhaustionRead MoreMovie Review : The Dark Knight 1083 Words   |  5 Pagesfilm analysis’s I chose the film The Dark Knight (2008), directed by Christopher Nolan. The film is part of Nolan’s Batman film trilogy and is the sequel to Batman Begins (2005). I chose this film because I am a huge DC comics fan and Batman is one of my favorite hero’s and also because, while most superhero films are bright with great lighting to give us a happy feeling, so that we â€Å"fall in love,† in a sense, with that superhero. What makes the dark knight so interesting and different is that NolanRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Dark Knight 2018 Words   |  9 PagesWhat is the typical menu of villaino us images placed before us when we dine out at a movie theater? 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Also, he was found guilty of 140 counts of attemptedRead MoreThe Dark Knight Rises : Ficial Movie Novelization887 Words   |  4 Pages The Dark Knight Rises: The Official Movie Novelization was written by Greg Cox and Christopher Nolan. This was first published in 2012 along with the original motion picture. This story occurs eight years after the events of The Dark Knight and is told in the third person omnicient. There are four main characters in the whole book. Bruce Wayne/ The Batman is a man who left seven years from gotham to study the criminal mind and mastred various fighting techniques. He has given everything heRead MoreThe Dark Knight: Brilliant Movie that Sets a New Standard in the Superhero Film Genre1017 Words   |  5 Pagesbullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just wanna watch the world burn...† Having artfully explored the origins of the caped crusader in Batman Begins, director Christopher Nolan puts Gotham City under a completely new perspective in The Dark Knight, the thrilling second instalment of his superb reinvention of the superhero franchise. Gotham has returned to a state of fraudulence and criminality. Crime lurks at every corner. People are terrified to go out at night. Citizens are relying on

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

George Orwell Free Essays

In the George Rowel’s short story, A Hanging, Orwell is a British police officer who witness an inmate, who is Hindu, being hung to death. While the officers are marching the prisoner to the hanging site, the prisoner comes to a puddle and side steps it. Orwell and some other officers are following behind them and that’s when he realize how healthy the prisoner is and disgusted he was of the decision to hang a healthy man. We will write a custom essay sample on George Orwell or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the story he was scared to speak up for the prisoner, so that’s why he dog was put In the story, the dog was Orwell voice. The dark mood at the beginning shows how Orwell felt during the hanging. The major conflict of the story is Orwell watching a healthy man die right in front of him. After the hanging was done the warders returned to feed the convicts. Everyone was relieved that the hanging was done, even Orwell. Then they started telling each other stories related to hangings. They all laughed at each other, Orwell even found his self laughing at some of the stones. After everyone finished they went out and had a drink together, forgetting about the dead man. Orwell just needed to get the hanging out of his mind, so he did that by laughing and having a good time. The theme of Orwell story is that the life of any healthy man should never be taken. Today similar things are happening in this world, police officers think that they have power and control over us, they think they can do anything to us, For example, an eighteen year old young man named Michael Brown was shot for no apparent season Michael was Just walking down the street. N a Saturday afternoon, to his grandmother house, when an officer stopped him trying to arrest him just because he was a black male walking and the officer assumed he was some thug carrying a weapon. When the officer tried to arrest him, Michael started running with his hands up in the air, when Michael reached ten yards, the officer shot him. The body was not moved for hours. The officer claimed that he only shot him a couple of times but when they viewed the body It was more than a couple. Police are getting out of control, they are taking Innocent young black male lives. That’s not the only thing that has happened where a healthy young man done lost his life. This young man was a seventeen year old black male, his name was Adoration Martin. On February 26, 2012, Tyranny was walking back from the store wearing a hooded and carrying a drink and some skittles. The neighborhood watch, George Zimmerman, assumed that he was some bad guy Just because he Is black. Just before the shooting happened George Zimmerman was on the phone with the police saying hat Tyranny looked suspicious and that he was following him, the police told him to stop following him and that they was going to handle it but he didn’t listen. At the time Tyranny was on the phone with his girl friend, and he said that he was being followed so his girlfriend told him to run, before he could do so George Zimmerman got out his truck to confront him. When the cops arrived George Zimmerman told the cops that Tyranny attacked him but most people TLD believe that. Most people thinking that he was up to no good but he was Just trying to get home. Throughout the story Orwell shows how the prisoners are treated. They were treated like animals. The cells they had the prisoners in were like small animal cages. The prisoners are treated so badly, when they were escorting the man to the hanging spot, it took six guards to escort him but in the story he was described as a puny wisp of a man, which means he was really weak. The officers were being really rough, Orwell said that it was like men handling a fish that is still alive and trying to Jump jack in the water, they were being super aggressive with a weak man. This story also reminds me of when the concentration camps were open in 1940. The Jews were sent their to work at the camps. The families were split up boys and the men had to go to one side and the girls and women went to the other side. When they split them up they had to take all of their clothes off, get disinfected, after that they were giving new clothes, then they had to get their heads shaved both men and women, last they were assigned to a camp, some people didn’t make it if they were eek or sick they got killed with the gas, they would put up to a hundred people in a small little room and kill them all, after that they would cremate the bodies. They fed them bread and soup, the bread was stale and the soup was old and thick, sometimes the didn’t even give them food. They were treated way worse than the prisoners in A Hanging. In conclusion, George Orwell wrote A Hanging to express his feelings. This really happened to him in reality. He poured out his feelings through the dog and the rain. He feels like no individual life should be taken away from them. How to cite George Orwell, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Marriott Transforms Key Finance Processes †

Question: Discuss about the Marriott Transforms Key Finance Processes. Answer: Introduction: Marriott hotel made use of the different technology while offering the services to their business class customers. Moreover, after considering the need of the customer the company introduced meeting rooms and e-conferencing services. Most of the business customer needs a separate meeting room so that they can accomplish their objective of visit effectively. It is suggested to the company to add 86,000 square feet of meeting space that include the ballroom in it (Marriott International, 2016). Considering the data analysis done by the hotel in the case study it has been analyzed that business travellers who are concern about the environment are sizable these days. The company has already developed the prototype green hotels. After considering the case study, it is suggested to the company to form the tie-ups with the suppliers who operate in the environmentally friendly ways. These suppliers offer pads that are made from recycled paper for attendees of the business meetings. Marriott can get the key cards made up of recycled plastic as through this the company can contribute to the conserving environment. The pillow available in the guest room will be made from recycled plastic bottles. In addition, this will reflect that the company is following the obligation of the US environment protection Agency. An iron ore company has signed the contract for fly in and fly out a business customer for three years. FIFO is the method of hiring people in remote areas by flying them temporarily to work site. After analyzing the case study it can be said that Marriott could use different research techniques for identifying the needs of the customers so that the company can offer those facilities and services that can meet the needs. The techniques include focus group, online surveys, and in-room questionnaires. These survey and focus groups help the Hotel in understanding the need so that they can design the facilities according. For instance, considering focus group analysis given in the case study; most of the visitors like rooms from which they can see the beauty of nature. Considering the data, the Marriott can allocate those rooms that provide view towards nature. According to the case study analysis, Marriot could set the central database system with the help of which they can capture the details regarding the visits of the customers. Basically, it includes how long the customers stayed in Hotel, how many times they visited and many others. This helps in understanding the past experience and preference of visitors. In the form of internal data, the company can make use of ERP system in which the managers (finance director, manager, etc.) have to log in and can track the data (Marriott International, Inc. Hospitality, Travel and Leisure, 2018). It is suggested to the company to conduct a meeting with their staff so that they can share the lope holes in facilities as staff interacts with the customer on regular basis. Marriott hotel has built the advanced conference facilities at Perth and Hobart. This helps the onshore and offshore business stakeholders to communicate effectively. The approach of market segmentation refers to a process of dividing a broad customer or business market. Through this approach, the Hotel can identify the target market for the Perth and Hobart cities. Demographic- It includes the customer of different age, income, family size and others. Marriott generally focuses on the Business people or business travelers. Psychographic- These segments include the customers belongs to the different lifestyle, class, values, and interests. Maximum businessmen believe belong to the high class and follow the modern lifestyle. Behavioral- It includes the people having a different perception of the products and services offered by the company. Marriott is known in the market because of its services and business visitor who visit frequently because they find that the company is able to fulfill their requirements. Considering the segmentation approach, the hotel makes use of differentiate targeting in which they focus on business travellers who belong to higher income groups and who believe in class and status according to case study. Strategies to create customer value The hotel can bring the changes in their interiors of the business classrooms according to the client preferences which will make them feel valuable. The hotel can provide them laptop or desktop facility in rooms. Personalise business travellers and can check their frequency of visit in a hotel according to that they can make complementary for their clients considering their preference. References Marriott International (2016) Marriott International to Expand and Improve Offerings to Business Travel Professionals [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd March 2018] Marriott International, Inc. Hospitality, Travel, and Leisure (2018) Marriott Transforms Key Finance Processes [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd March 2018]