Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Business logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business coordinations - Essay Example Zara’s commitment to the European style showcase deals represent a stunning 66% of Inditex’ all out 9002 Million Euro, of which net benefit was 1002 Million Euro.â 1.1 THE EXISTING PROCESS AND LOGISTICS OF ZARA A group of creators in Zara is accused of the obligation of spotting rising patterns in light of shopper requests. Significant input from customers is gotten from Store Managers too. The data gathered by them on plan, viewpoint and request is transmitted through a remote system. These information sources are utilized by the structure Management group to build up the most recent items for Zara, (Sull, and Turconi, 2008). ... The entire procedure of structure and cutting takes around 10 days. After the models are delivered, they experience a choice procedure wherein the administration chooses which of them will go into business creation. This choice is made based on an exceptional calculation and the conditions and requests in the market. By and large just about 40% of the models become business items for clients. They are then come back to the assembling habitats to enter the creation chain, checked for quality control, and packaging, (Sullivan, 2005). The prepared material is moved to the mechanized conveyance community in Arteixo, which is the principle Distribution Center with no storeroom. Coordinations models help the administration in surveying the quantity of clumps that ought to be conveyed to the stores two times per week through shipments, which ensures that the stores are not over-burden and are conveyed according to their requests. An armada of trucks connect with places with for the time being separations and sanctioned payload flights are utilized for bigger separations. The organization pressed its delivery models and chose to go with air freight, so flights can sort out outbound transfer of all organization items with return venture stacked with crude materials and half-completed items, (Burt, Dawson, and Larke, 2003). Fig1: Complete Operations chain of Zara Fashions  Fig2: Outline of activities at Zara SECTION 2â This segment presents theâ advantagesâ / disadvantages, SWOT, PEST investigation of Zara and assessment of current tasks and coordinations at Zara.â 2.1 Strategic Advantages Being not quite the same as customary retails, its doesn't re-appropriates itsâ operationsâ or items

Saturday, August 22, 2020

BUSINESS LAW ( REPORT ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BUSINESS LAW ( REPORT ) - Essay Example Indeed, even in America itself, it isn't feasible for an organization to work with a remarkable law in to various states. As it were, organizations need to work as for the laws winning in the area where they work. Separate legitimate character and constrained obligation are two normal terms related with organization law. Wiss (2010) depicts separate legitimate character as a fused organization, â€Å"united or joined into a sorted out body† having rights and liabilities. As she would like to think an organization is an invented individual who can go into gets, own property and even carry out violations. Simultaneously when a privately owned business constrained by shares, the lenders manage the organization, not with the people and it very well may be named as a restricted obligation organization. In such cases, if the organization become bankrupt, the leasers or the speculators don't get paid paying little heed to the individual monetary abilities of its memebrs (Wiss 2010). Separate lawful character and restricted risk are two points of interest of corporate status. Be that as it may, in specific situations these points of interest will get invalid and this paper quickly clarifies suc h conditions in which separate legitimate character and constrained risk will get invalid. It isn't feasible for an organization to take undue favorable circumstances for the sake of restricted obligation or separate legitimate character. Corporate law has for the most part distinguished seven occasions in which the corporate cover (law that ensure the individuals or authors of an organization on the off chance that an issue emerges) can be lifted; misrepresentation, office, trust, bunch venture, tort adversary character, charge (Sadhu, n. d) Richard Wachman (2005) has referenced that extortion is costing British business  £72 billion per year, 6% of the yearly income of British organizations (Wachman, 2005). The ongoing corporate embarrassments including Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat and Refco, have not shown any exercises to the specialists or the financial specialists. Extortion can accomplish numerous structures; a few organizations may exaggerate their benefits, a few

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Art of Juggling

The Art of Juggling My brains been on overdrive from the moment I stepped foot onto MIT, hopping from one event to the next, pset to pset, club to club. Every summer, Im usually a ball of anxious energy just waiting to be released. Potential so tightly strung that one little mishap could release it unto the world into one big energetic THWAP. And so I make myself busy over the summer painting, drawing, gaming. Anything to keep the little string from getting wound up. But now I find myself almost fully unwound. My string is everywhere, splayed out in front of me likelikewell, I was gonna say like guts in a murder scene, but maybe thats a tad bit too graphic? Because, frankly, I like being busy. I like the full Google calendar. I like checking off tasks in my bullet journal. I like my string unwound. Yet one of the downsides is that Ive now gotten myself into the predicament of one of my favorite advertisement slogans: WAY too much stuff??? And NOT ENOUGH SPACE??? ITS OVERWHELMING!!! Unfortunately, I dont have Space Bags to help me clean up this mess. Too many time commitments and not enough time??? TOO MANY TIME COMMITMENTS AND NOT ENOUGH TIME??????? Yes. Who wouldve thought that an excitable, little frosh would have done this to herself? I entered MIT with a job, a web-based research intern for Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair. I essentially design social media posts and do some ~research~ like things for MSEF and its very therapeutic. One ball. This is fine. Then, in some wave of magical powers, I got this job. I still remember opening this dandy little e-mail from Petey, and I excitedly turned to my friend in DPD saying Oh my God, Im a blogger. Two balls. Im glad Im a bit busier. Full courseload. Three balls. Just as expected! Poker club.01 Fun fact: I won AirPods at the poker club poker night. It was super duper fun seeing as I literally just learned how to play poker that day. Shout out to poker club. Does this even count as a fourth ball? Its so fun. But then I had old projects from home I was still continuing. Fifth ball. And another organization. Sixth. And a UROP. Seventh. SWE Freshman Rep? Eighth. And theyre still coming, and coming, and coming. I look at my bullet journal and its a swarm of color and a messy array of checkboxes in between urgent reminders to  please for gods sake do your psets you dirty gremlin child. My sunday-saturday schedule ft. me having a major crisis [literallythats a future blogpost]Of course, my friends urged me to  drop  things because I was taking on far too much than I could handle and it became a game of So what do you love the  least?, like asking to pick a favorite pet or fruit. It was just too difficult. Then came the dread of realizing that I had to drop a ball. Drop  the  ball. Give up. Concede. Admit defeat. Look someone in the eye and basically tell them I dont have enough time for you, sorry! Adios! and be on my merry way.02 No, its not actually like this at all. This is my anxiety and self-consciousness speaking. To me, dropping the ball was failure, stating that I wasnt good enough to complete what I said I could. It was going back on my word. It took me..longer than Id like to admit to push through the mess of responsibilities and ordeals Id gotten myself into. I spent nights just staring at my to-do list wondering if Id always feel this busy, and if I really did like it. Because I do. Even with all the balls Im juggling, Im enjoying everything Im putting my time into. Ive been given so many opportunities never offered to me before. But at the same time, I realized that in the midst of my busyness, I had began to sacrifice the Cami things that made me happy. I stopped listening to single releases from my favorite artists the day they came out and instead found myself finding them 2 to 3 weeks later. I stopped watching David Dobrik vlogs the day they came out. I skipped out on fun midnight trips to iHop or spontaneous Random roofdeck shenanigans. I was missing out. And while FOMO is an entirely other blogpost altogether, I found myself lost in my work and losing touch with the quirks and hobbies that made myself me. My permanent state was a state of stress, jumping from one task to another and yet it still didnt feel like enough. Not enough work hours, not enough studying, not enough communication. No matter what I did, I wasnt enough. I began neglecting my health, staying up late when I knew I needed to sleep and waking up far too early. Ive been coughing for the past three weeks and havent looked into it even though it is definitely not normal to cough that much. I wasnt giving myself enough attention, and it was taking a toll. So I did what I had to. I dropped a ball. I wrote up a text, panicked about it for 10 minutes while showing it to my three friends asking them to read over it and make sure it sounds nice and kind, and sent it. One ball dropped. Its not much, but its a start. Ive capped myself at where I am. No more time commitments, no more spreading myself too thin. Im slowly learning to manage my time and know when to stop working. At one oclock, no matter the class or organization, its time to go to bed. Ive started prioritizing going to the gym, sleeping more, being with my friends. I think Im slowly starting to learn how to quiet the small voice in my head that says  Youre not doing enough and instead telling myself that Im doing my best. Obviously the process isnt as simple as just whispering some things to the little person inside of your head and magically youre cured, but I think Im getting to a point where Im content with the amount of effort Im doing. In a quick moment of psychoanalysis, I know Im definitely not the only frosh (or person) falling victim to this routine busyness. I drowned myself in work, whether it be my jobs, my academics, or my clubs, to try and stave off that imposter syndrome Ive been feeling for the past couple of weeks. I thought that maybe if I threw myself into every activity out there, then Im making good use of my time at MIT and it would prove that Im meant to be here. That I can make a positive impact on the community no matter how hard Im struggling. But, of course, in my efforts to prove something, I let that nearly ruin my college experience with too many responsibilities. I guess what Im trying to say is that if youre looking for a sign to drop a ball, heres your sign. Its okay to drop a task. Its okay to feel overwhelmed. Its okay to call it a night and just head to bed instead of finishing one more question. Now I will leave off with some of my favorite quotes from my friends about juggling freshman responsibilities. My ballsI have so many balls. I have volleyballI have a concussion still I cant even PLAY volleyball. Emma, sobbing at like..12:30 AM during a calm, peaceful pset night I didnt do anything today. I should do something. I dont wanna do something. But I should. Cami tell me to go to sleep so I dont have to do anything. Raymond, after realizing he has 3 psets due on M/T and he spent his Saturday night doing Nothing. Im calm anxiety. Like, my whole life is falling apart right in front of my eyes and I kinda just sit back and go Well, f*ck. Aiden, when we were describing what kind of anxious energy we each give off03 For the record: Im angry anxious energy. When Im anxious I just swear and groan a lot. Caroline is just pure anxiety and indecisiveness. Tag yourself. You know what triaging is? Sometimes you just dont want to invest too much time and resources into someone that probably wont make it, so you have to assign degrees of importance. Drop the ball. Stop taking on so many balls. Aidan, probably the only sensible one in my entire friend group. Drop your classes!!! Dont finish that assignment! Go to sleep! Nothing matters!!!!! PNR! PNR! PNR! Cami, after realizing she doesnt want to put in any more effort into her HASS essay. Fun fact: I won AirPods at the poker club poker night. It was super duper fun seeing as I literally just learned how to play poker that day. Shout out to poker club. back to text ? No, it's not actually like this at all. This is my anxiety and self-consciousness speaking. back to text ? For the record: I'm angry anxious energy. When I'm anxious I just swear and groan a lot. Caroline is just pure anxiety and indecisiveness. Tag yourself. back to text ?

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Negative Impact of Video Game Violence on Children...

There has been a lot of factors linked to child aggression. One of biggest factors is children playing violent video games. Although video games are commonly used by children there can be negative effects when introduced to violent video games. Recent studies have shown a correlation between violent video games and the behavior of young children. Violent video games influence childrens behavior because their attitudes become more aggressive, the availability of violent games has become very easy for children , and with the help of technology the graphics of the video games make the game look identical to real life. Iowa Sate University did a study on how the violence in video games affect the childrens attitude. Iowa Sate University†¦show more content†¦Most parents, when buying games for their children, either do not know what games they are buying or if they do know they do not know the content that is on that game. The games that children want are mostly violent games because those types of games seem to be the ones that are the most appealing to them. The graphics in games now make the game almost look as if it were real life. That has brought the video game industry a lot more players and part of those new gamers are young children. The issue is when a child is presented with a violent video game that has really good graphics the child has a better understanding of what is going on in that game. Because children can relate what is going in the video game to the real world, that leads children to believe that the actions being done in that video game are accepted in society. If the children believe that its right from them to do violent actions that they learned from the game there attitude starts becoming more aggressive. Anne Harding says â€Å"children who watch violence in the media can internalize the message that the world is a hostile place...†. A major opposition to violence video games leading to aggression is that the research t hat was done is not a valid research. Henry Jenkins said â€Å"...most of those studies are inconclusive and many have been criticized on methodological grounds† (2). The studies are not inconclusive because in the studies that the researchers do theyShow MoreRelatedEng 1011630 Words   |  7 PagesViolence in Music Videos and Music Lyrics has a negative impact on children. Music videos that expose profanity and sexuality are inappropriate and leave a negative impression on young children. Violence in music videos can cause health problem. Music videos that promote negative lyrics are affecting young children. Music lyrics with vulgar languages affect the development and well-being of young children. For example, the study author (Stone, 2009) found â€Å"that music with explicit referencesRead MoreEffects of Violent Video Games on Children Essay1660 Words   |  7 PagesViolent Video Games on Children The use of video games has become tremendously popular among children and adolescents in the past decade. In fact, â€Å"Sixty-eight percent of U.S. households play computer or video games.† (David Jenkins, 2009) This statistic reveals how important it is to understand the effects that these games can have on individuals and more specifically, children. Over the years, numerous studies have been conducted investigating whether video games have positive or negative impactsRead MoreDangers Of Video Games880 Words   |  4 Pagesmost children like to play video games. Sometimes, parents have seen their children the violence and aggression. Video Games helpful or dangerous. Video Games have developed dramatically. It has been a controversial discussion of whether video games are helpful or dangerous to a child. Indeed some are of the view that video games are dangerous because it has a negative impact on the health for children, and because they have filled with violent conten t. However, in my observation, some video gamesRead MoreEssay on Persuasive Speech Against Video Games978 Words   |  4 PagesThesis: The rise of the video game has had many negative effects on children. INTRODUCTION Attention-getter: Whenever I look out from my window at home, nothing but memories come back to me. The house three doors down was the unsuspecting target of the foul balls we would hit when we use to play home run derby. Or my basketball hoop which held many world championships between me being the bulls and my friends being that year’s runner up. In the park across the street, I ended up blackmailingRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Children Essay1612 Words   |  7 Pagesis playing video games. Over the years, there has been mixed viewpoints regarding its wide-ranging effects especially among the youth. Much of the controversy focuses on violence and aggression coming from various sources like the media, researchers, and more intensely, parents who are greatly concerned with the negative impact of video games to their children. Amplifying the adverse side of this debate is the occurrences of a number of crimes associated with playing violent video games as their com monRead MoreMedia Violence: A Negative Influence on Young People A massive amount of violence is being1300 Words   |  6 PagesMedia Violence: A Negative Influence on Young People A massive amount of violence is being displayed in the media and has become harder to avoid. Violence is everywhere. We experience it in various ways, such as rap music, television, or first person shooter video games. We hear rap music and remember the vicious lyrics. We constantly watch celebrities commit crime on television and observe people being slaughtered multiple times a day. Youth can virtually do the slaughtering of the other charactersRead MoreVideo Games, Which Have Been Around For Quite A While Now1106 Words   |  5 PagesVideo games, which have been around for quite a while now is usually perceived as an exciting thriller to most. The use of video games ranges from young children to older men and sometimes women. The video game industry has had a huge expansion in technology and gaming techniques in the recent years causing it to be more appealing to the public eye. Although video games normally have ratings for certain age groups, they are played by everybody no ma tter the age. There has been an increase in theRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children s Behavior1626 Words   |  7 PagesThe effect of violent video games on children’s behavior has been the major concern of numerous researchers over the last several decades. Indeed, a great number of researches conducted by psychologists show that regular exposure to violent video games has both long-term and short-term negative effects on a player’s behavior. Aggressiveness and lack of empathy are considered to be two main outcomes of constant playing games with violent content. However, it should be noted that the content is notRead MoreViolent Games And Violent Video Games1122 Words   |  5 PagesAs video game images become increasingly more realistic and graphic. Therefore, is there any link between the violence depicted in those games and violence in real life? Students are the main group people who played violent video games very often. Also, losing a game causes many people to have a negative impact. Last, the attitudes on violent game and antisocial. Games are everywhere around us, such as cellphones, televisions, or computers, but violent games are the most popular type of game. TheRead MoreViolent Video Games Essay889 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å" Video game violence has become a highly politicized issue for scientists and the general public † ( Ferguson, 2007 p309). The video game is always controversial as some of them contain sexual and violence and so on. Especially some violence games were played by the adolescents. Adolescents are very fragility. Violent video games are negative for the children which will impact their social relationship, their health and make them has aggressive behavior. First violent video games will impact

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Movie The Dark Knight Essay - 1822 Words

The movie The Dark Knight (2008) is in the genre of superhero films. Superhero films are movies that deal with vigilantes saving the city from criminals. Since the release of superhero films, criminals have become more evil, heroes have become more violent and victims have become more innocent. They have also become more graphic and the crimes have become more unjustifiable. Crime is a key component of superhero hero films and is often used to show injustice towards the state. To control crime, society has to try and deter crime by adding punishment that outweigh the rewards. Some people are biologically more crime oriented than others and it creates natural born criminals such as the Joker, the main antagonist in the movie who constantly challenges the notion of justice. He becomes personal with Batman forcing him to come face to face with his ideals, trying to show him how irrational being good is. Batman, in turn, attempts to put a stop to the Joker’s anarchy with the techn ology at his disposal. Harvey Dent is considered a symbol of hope because he relentlessly pursues criminals through legal means as Gotham’s District Attorney. The Criminal Justice System is then corrupted by the Joker, which results in the death of Rachel Dawes, Harvey’s girlfriend. The two of them were captured by corrupt police officers and tied to explosives in two different buildings all while the Joker was in prison. The Joker then tricks batman into saving Harvey when he thought that he was goingShow MoreRelatedThe Dark Knight Movie : Movie Summary Of The Dark Knight750 Words   |  3 PagesThe Dark Knight Movie Summary The Dark Knight movie portrays its self as a fantasy however, the movie relates back to everyday society very well in indirect fashions. In the movie, The Dark Knight, there was a statement made by Harvey Dent that states â€Å"You either die a hero, or die long enough to see your self become the villain.† With this being said, this statement can relate to the presidency in some sort of fashion. For example, in my opinion, the president can leave office on good term, justRead MoreThe Movie The Dark Knight Essay1505 Words   |  7 PagesThe movie The Dark Knight (2008) is the genre of superhero films. Superhero films are movies that deal with vigilantes saving the city from criminals. Criminals have become more evil, heroes have become more violent and victims have become more innocent. Movies have become more graphic and the crimes have become more unjustifiable. Crime is a key component of superhero hero films and is often used to show injustice towards the state. To contr ol crime society has to try and deter crime by adding punishmentRead MoreThe Dark Knight Is Not A Superhero Movie1224 Words   |  5 Pages The Dark Knight is considered one of the best superhero movies of the decade. But is it actually a super hero movie? After 9-11 Hollywood has adopted terrorism like scenes into many of its movies. Almost every scene, In the Dark Knight, involves terrorism. However many label the movie a superhero movie. The Dark Knight is not a superhero movie, in-fact it’s a very realistic portrayal of terrorism in our society. Batman is the main protagonist in the Dark Knight and is widely considered a superheroRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Dark Knight 1647 Words   |  7 Pagesthe villain† (The Dark Knight). There is a certain monstrosity that lives inside of everyone, and all it takes is a particular situation to highlight this truth. Monstrosity destroys the categories that humans tend to place objects and people into. When one contemplates what classifies as monstrous, many immediately consider biological categories that a monster might shatter. Nevertheless, a monster’s actions can also lead to a fracturing of categorization, such as in The Dark Knight (2008) when Gotham’sRead MoreMovie Review : The Dark Knight1294 Words   |  6 Pagesremember the first time I ever watched The Dark Knight better than any movie I’ve ever seen. My older brother had just gotten the DVD of 2008’s summer blockbuster film as a gift and invited me to watch it with him in his room. I t was late on a Friday night, and I made a bed of blankets on his floor, laid there with a bowl of buttery popcorn by my side, and engaged myself into a true masterpiece of the film industry. After that night, I watched that movie many times over and over again without exhaustionRead MoreMovie Review : The Dark Knight 1083 Words   |  5 Pagesfilm analysis’s I chose the film The Dark Knight (2008), directed by Christopher Nolan. The film is part of Nolan’s Batman film trilogy and is the sequel to Batman Begins (2005). I chose this film because I am a huge DC comics fan and Batman is one of my favorite hero’s and also because, while most superhero films are bright with great lighting to give us a happy feeling, so that we â€Å"fall in love,† in a sense, with that superhero. What makes the dark knight so interesting and different is that NolanRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Dark Knight 2018 Words   |  9 PagesWhat is the typical menu of villaino us images placed before us when we dine out at a movie theater? A scientist has his face deep-cleaned in a bell jar of acid to the epidermal enthusiasm of his beauticians (Darkman); a psychopathic criminal mastermind reigns chaos to the citizens of Gotham (The Dark Knight) and another sequel, eight years on, despite his tarnished reputation after the events of The Dark Knight, in which he took the rap for Dent s crimes, caped crusader feels compelled to interveneRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Dark Knight Rises Essay1890 Words   |  8 PagesOn July 20, 2012, a major tragedy happened in Aurora Colorado during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. James Holmes willingly without showing no remorse entered the movie theater Century 16 at Town Center. He was resembling the Joker with red hair wearing a gas mask and body armor murdering 12 people and wounding 70 people. A jury found Holmes guilty on 24 counts of first degree murder, two counts for each of the 12 v ictims. Also, he was found guilty of 140 counts of attemptedRead MoreThe Dark Knight Rises : Ficial Movie Novelization887 Words   |  4 Pages The Dark Knight Rises: The Official Movie Novelization was written by Greg Cox and Christopher Nolan. This was first published in 2012 along with the original motion picture. This story occurs eight years after the events of The Dark Knight and is told in the third person omnicient. There are four main characters in the whole book. Bruce Wayne/ The Batman is a man who left seven years from gotham to study the criminal mind and mastred various fighting techniques. He has given everything heRead MoreThe Dark Knight: Brilliant Movie that Sets a New Standard in the Superhero Film Genre1017 Words   |  5 Pagesbullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just wanna watch the world burn...† Having artfully explored the origins of the caped crusader in Batman Begins, director Christopher Nolan puts Gotham City under a completely new perspective in The Dark Knight, the thrilling second instalment of his superb reinvention of the superhero franchise. Gotham has returned to a state of fraudulence and criminality. Crime lurks at every corner. People are terrified to go out at night. Citizens are relying on

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

George Orwell Free Essays

In the George Rowel’s short story, A Hanging, Orwell is a British police officer who witness an inmate, who is Hindu, being hung to death. While the officers are marching the prisoner to the hanging site, the prisoner comes to a puddle and side steps it. Orwell and some other officers are following behind them and that’s when he realize how healthy the prisoner is and disgusted he was of the decision to hang a healthy man. We will write a custom essay sample on George Orwell or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the story he was scared to speak up for the prisoner, so that’s why he dog was put In the story, the dog was Orwell voice. The dark mood at the beginning shows how Orwell felt during the hanging. The major conflict of the story is Orwell watching a healthy man die right in front of him. After the hanging was done the warders returned to feed the convicts. Everyone was relieved that the hanging was done, even Orwell. Then they started telling each other stories related to hangings. They all laughed at each other, Orwell even found his self laughing at some of the stones. After everyone finished they went out and had a drink together, forgetting about the dead man. Orwell just needed to get the hanging out of his mind, so he did that by laughing and having a good time. The theme of Orwell story is that the life of any healthy man should never be taken. Today similar things are happening in this world, police officers think that they have power and control over us, they think they can do anything to us, For example, an eighteen year old young man named Michael Brown was shot for no apparent season Michael was Just walking down the street. N a Saturday afternoon, to his grandmother house, when an officer stopped him trying to arrest him just because he was a black male walking and the officer assumed he was some thug carrying a weapon. When the officer tried to arrest him, Michael started running with his hands up in the air, when Michael reached ten yards, the officer shot him. The body was not moved for hours. The officer claimed that he only shot him a couple of times but when they viewed the body It was more than a couple. Police are getting out of control, they are taking Innocent young black male lives. That’s not the only thing that has happened where a healthy young man done lost his life. This young man was a seventeen year old black male, his name was Adoration Martin. On February 26, 2012, Tyranny was walking back from the store wearing a hooded and carrying a drink and some skittles. The neighborhood watch, George Zimmerman, assumed that he was some bad guy Just because he Is black. Just before the shooting happened George Zimmerman was on the phone with the police saying hat Tyranny looked suspicious and that he was following him, the police told him to stop following him and that they was going to handle it but he didn’t listen. At the time Tyranny was on the phone with his girl friend, and he said that he was being followed so his girlfriend told him to run, before he could do so George Zimmerman got out his truck to confront him. When the cops arrived George Zimmerman told the cops that Tyranny attacked him but most people TLD believe that. Most people thinking that he was up to no good but he was Just trying to get home. Throughout the story Orwell shows how the prisoners are treated. They were treated like animals. The cells they had the prisoners in were like small animal cages. The prisoners are treated so badly, when they were escorting the man to the hanging spot, it took six guards to escort him but in the story he was described as a puny wisp of a man, which means he was really weak. The officers were being really rough, Orwell said that it was like men handling a fish that is still alive and trying to Jump jack in the water, they were being super aggressive with a weak man. This story also reminds me of when the concentration camps were open in 1940. The Jews were sent their to work at the camps. The families were split up boys and the men had to go to one side and the girls and women went to the other side. When they split them up they had to take all of their clothes off, get disinfected, after that they were giving new clothes, then they had to get their heads shaved both men and women, last they were assigned to a camp, some people didn’t make it if they were eek or sick they got killed with the gas, they would put up to a hundred people in a small little room and kill them all, after that they would cremate the bodies. They fed them bread and soup, the bread was stale and the soup was old and thick, sometimes the didn’t even give them food. They were treated way worse than the prisoners in A Hanging. In conclusion, George Orwell wrote A Hanging to express his feelings. This really happened to him in reality. He poured out his feelings through the dog and the rain. He feels like no individual life should be taken away from them. How to cite George Orwell, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Marriott Transforms Key Finance Processes †

Question: Discuss about the Marriott Transforms Key Finance Processes. Answer: Introduction: Marriott hotel made use of the different technology while offering the services to their business class customers. Moreover, after considering the need of the customer the company introduced meeting rooms and e-conferencing services. Most of the business customer needs a separate meeting room so that they can accomplish their objective of visit effectively. It is suggested to the company to add 86,000 square feet of meeting space that include the ballroom in it (Marriott International, 2016). Considering the data analysis done by the hotel in the case study it has been analyzed that business travellers who are concern about the environment are sizable these days. The company has already developed the prototype green hotels. After considering the case study, it is suggested to the company to form the tie-ups with the suppliers who operate in the environmentally friendly ways. These suppliers offer pads that are made from recycled paper for attendees of the business meetings. Marriott can get the key cards made up of recycled plastic as through this the company can contribute to the conserving environment. The pillow available in the guest room will be made from recycled plastic bottles. In addition, this will reflect that the company is following the obligation of the US environment protection Agency. An iron ore company has signed the contract for fly in and fly out a business customer for three years. FIFO is the method of hiring people in remote areas by flying them temporarily to work site. After analyzing the case study it can be said that Marriott could use different research techniques for identifying the needs of the customers so that the company can offer those facilities and services that can meet the needs. The techniques include focus group, online surveys, and in-room questionnaires. These survey and focus groups help the Hotel in understanding the need so that they can design the facilities according. For instance, considering focus group analysis given in the case study; most of the visitors like rooms from which they can see the beauty of nature. Considering the data, the Marriott can allocate those rooms that provide view towards nature. According to the case study analysis, Marriot could set the central database system with the help of which they can capture the details regarding the visits of the customers. Basically, it includes how long the customers stayed in Hotel, how many times they visited and many others. This helps in understanding the past experience and preference of visitors. In the form of internal data, the company can make use of ERP system in which the managers (finance director, manager, etc.) have to log in and can track the data (Marriott International, Inc. Hospitality, Travel and Leisure, 2018). It is suggested to the company to conduct a meeting with their staff so that they can share the lope holes in facilities as staff interacts with the customer on regular basis. Marriott hotel has built the advanced conference facilities at Perth and Hobart. This helps the onshore and offshore business stakeholders to communicate effectively. The approach of market segmentation refers to a process of dividing a broad customer or business market. Through this approach, the Hotel can identify the target market for the Perth and Hobart cities. Demographic- It includes the customer of different age, income, family size and others. Marriott generally focuses on the Business people or business travelers. Psychographic- These segments include the customers belongs to the different lifestyle, class, values, and interests. Maximum businessmen believe belong to the high class and follow the modern lifestyle. Behavioral- It includes the people having a different perception of the products and services offered by the company. Marriott is known in the market because of its services and business visitor who visit frequently because they find that the company is able to fulfill their requirements. Considering the segmentation approach, the hotel makes use of differentiate targeting in which they focus on business travellers who belong to higher income groups and who believe in class and status according to case study. Strategies to create customer value The hotel can bring the changes in their interiors of the business classrooms according to the client preferences which will make them feel valuable. The hotel can provide them laptop or desktop facility in rooms. Personalise business travellers and can check their frequency of visit in a hotel according to that they can make complementary for their clients considering their preference. References Marriott International (2016) Marriott International to Expand and Improve Offerings to Business Travel Professionals [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd March 2018] Marriott International, Inc. Hospitality, Travel, and Leisure (2018) Marriott Transforms Key Finance Processes [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd March 2018]

Saturday, March 28, 2020

3 Tips for Staying Focused at Work During the Holidays

3 Tips for Staying Focused at Work During the Holidays Don’t let your holiday shopping, budgeting, travel-planning- or the weather!- get the better of you this season. Stay focused on wrapping up your year and gearing up for 2017. 1. Deflect the interruptionsThe holidays are always extra distracting. Prepare yourself for the inevitable onslaught and don’t let yourself give in. Instead, use the interruptions to structure your day. Online shopping session? Office cookie break? Set these as deadlines for you to work toward and remain diligent  until its time for your break.2. Look for the right projectsEveryone’s schedules are erratic during the holidays. If you’re stuck working when everyone else is out of office, use the peace and quiet to get work done on your pet projects and big picture tasks. And don’t forget that holiday parties and lingering team lunches can be a great networking opportunity, rather than a waste of time.3. Don’t take it homeStaying focused at the desk means you don’ t have to stay late to get ahead or be on your email 24/7. Make sure to save your off-work hours for all of those distractions you’ve been fending off so successfully. Save time for your shopping and traveling and package-mailing and savor it. Guard it, even. And if you’re worried about getting those things done, schedule them as though they were after-hours meetings.Being mindful about distractions and staying focused will make you more relaxed throughout the holiday season. You’ll probably find you’re way ahead of the game once the fun is over and everybody’s back at work.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Problem set Essays

Problem set Essays Problem set Essay Problem set Essay Problem set BY lu19920218 ECE 302 Problem Set 9 Fall 2013 The following problems have been selected from the course text. 4. 78 In a large collection of wires, the length of a wire is X, an exponential random variable with mean 511 cm. Each wire is cut to make rings of diameter 1 cm. Find the probability mass function for the number of complete rings produced by each length of wire. 4. 85 The exam grades in a certain class have a Gaussian pdf with mean m and standard deviation o. Find the constants a and b so that the random variable Y = ax + has a Gaussian pdf with mean m and standard deviation o . 4. 86, 4. 87 Let X = U n where n is a positive integer and U is a uniform random variable in the unit interval. Find the cdf and pdf of X. Repeat for the case where U is uniform in the interval [-1, 1]. 4. 94 modified Let Y = a where X is uniformly distributed in the interval (-1/2, 1/2). a. Show that Y is a Cauchy random variable. b. Find the pdf of Z = IN . 4. 96 Find the pdf of X† In(l U where U is a uniform random variable in (O, 1). . 9 modified Let X be a random variable with mean m. Compare the Chebyshev inequality and the exact probability for the event {IX m I c} as a function of c for the case where: a. X is a uniform random variable in the interval b]; b. X has pdf fX(x) = 2 exp(-alxl); c. X is a zero mean Gaussian random variable with variance 0 2 . 4. 100 Let X be the number of successes in n Bernoulli trials where the probability of success is p. Let Y = X/n be the average number of successes per trial. Apply the Chebyshev inequality o the event {IY pl a}. What happens as n †+ m? 4. 102 a. Find the characteristic function of the random variable X uniformly distributed over b). b. Find the mean and variance of X by applying the moment theorem. 4. 105 modified a. Show that the characteristic function of a Gaussian random variable X with mean m and variance 0 2 is 22 OX (w) = eJmw-o 12 . the characteristic function of Y = ax + b, a = O, where X is a Gaussian random variable. Hint: use the definition of (w), namely, OY (w) = E[eJwY ].

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

THE LECTORAL SYSTEM OF GERMANY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

THE LECTORAL SYSTEM OF GERMANY - Essay Example The parliament is usually given fourteen days to elect its chancellor officially after the final election results. Normally, elections happen after every four years and the same process begins all over again. There are no by-elections in Germany - if members of the Bundestag die or resign in office, those next on the list of the party in the appropriate State/Land automatically succeed them (Welle, 2009, para13). 30 Like all countries in Western Europe that have adopted the proportional system, Germany has more than twenty percent female parliamentarians, which clearly indicates a strong correlation between the type of electoral system and the level of female representation. As expounded earlier on, Germany uses a mixed or double electoral system with both a proportional representation system and single member constituencies and each of them selects half of the Bundestag members. However, the election of the majority of German female politicians is through the proportional representation list. Unlike in other countries such as the United Kingdom where voters and local parties object to having imposition of all-women shortlists on them, the list system in Germany has enabled parties to increase the proportion of female members of parliament in the Bundestag quickly.   38 The system of proportional representation also includes a quota that requires from each province, a minimum of two female delegates. This means that the parliament body will be at least twenty-five percent women. In full representation, there is an increase in the access of greater number of candidates. Sun argues that holding all other factors constant, under proportional representation system, the likelihood of electing women is almost twice as compared to majoritarian systems. Furthermore, under full representation system, measures such as quotas for minimum number of candidates aimed at increasing the representation of women are much easier to implement since the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

No need Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

No need - Essay Example After taking the introduction to conflict and resolution class, I learnt that there are many theories that one can use to understand the reason of conflict such as the nested theory, which reasonably analyses the reason of conflict. Indeed, I learnt the importance of culture and religion in the field of conflict and resolution as well as how they relate with the idea of peace building. This paper will be about the ideas, theories, and readings that I believe are important to conflict and resolution. Indeed, one can notice that the field of conflict and resolution contains various theories and ideas that are sometimes different yet they all try to answer the same questions such as why countries conflict. They also seek to explain human behavior. Furthermore, to me culture is very important in conflict and resolutions. This is because culture is deeply rooted in one’s past experiences, and as such, we can view it as a derivative of one’s own experiences (Avruch 20). Indee d, any person worldview is determined to a big extent by his/her culture, and therefore, culture is quite important in conflict resolution. In fact, from personal experiences, a person can build his/her new opinions and believes or become more attached to his/her pervious opinion. As a result, when two people have different opinions over an idea and none of them has enough information about the other side background, this will lead to conflict. Ideally, the two will conflict because each will try to convince the other side with his/her opinion and not being aware of the reasons that made the other side reject his/her opinion. One of the theories I learned this semester in the conflict resolution class is the Nested theory that I believe helps to explain the reason why conflict exist. The Nested model of conflict is based on the structural nature of the conflicts. In the nested model, Dugan identified three levels of conflict. These levels include the issue specific level, relational level, structural subsystem level, and structural system level. The levels are interrelated and adopt a pattern where the narrow types or levels of conflict nest within the broader level (Dugan 14). We can view these levels as the spider web where it starts with small circles surrounded by larger circles (Kotev paragraph 1). In the middle of the web, we have the individual surrounded by the community and then the larger circles represent the society (Kotev paragraph 1). In order to understand the reason of conflict, one should first look at the individual and what is around him/her to determine what kind of intuitions and community can affect his/her way of thinking. In addition, one can use the larger circle to see how the society affects the communities and the individuals. According to this theory, in resolving conflicts, we should first critically analyze the conflict and locate it within the category of conflicts where it fits. Having done that, we should then proceed to find the best way to resolve the root causes of the conflict. The reason why I mainly focused on culture, religion, and the nested theory is that I come from a religious country to a western country, which is the United States. I noticed that many American students and citizens do not know a lot about the Arab countries culture and religion. In fact, many think that Qatar, UAE and KSA are one country. For example, many westerns view the Arab women as oppressed women and that they are forced by men

Monday, January 27, 2020

Advertising Clutter Is Ubiquitous In Our Lives Media Essay

Advertising Clutter Is Ubiquitous In Our Lives Media Essay Today, how do one measure the effectiveness of advertising when there is an overloading presence of product choices, features, media channels and messages? Advertising clutter is ubiquitous in our lives, where we are exposed to more than five thousand commercial message daily ranging from commercial to logos on retail chains, yet, only less than one-tenth of one percent are able to recall a particular brand or product when being asked (Vitberg, 1996). It has always been knotty to get the message through the clutter and consumer has deemed them to be annoying and poses a threat in the effectiveness of advertising communication. Even with the most outrageous advertising tactics, consumers have become desensitised to it (Kimmel, 2010). Hence, the design issue for this study was: On the average, everyone is exposed to 3000 advertisements in a day (Twitchell, 1996). As such, ad clutter has resulted in advertising designers attempting to create rather complex visual metaphorical expression in advertisements in their bid to be more creative to stand out from the clutter. However, the fact is that the increased use of such approach has hindered the consumers interpretation of the advertisement and the intended advertising meaning. Since there still remains an uncertainty in the effectiveness of complex visual metaphors which may have the tendency of consumers not being able to interpret the intended meaning of the advertising message. Thus, this has led to the research design hypothesis which was: In the quest to tackle the rising issue of ad clutter, the use of appropriate visual metaphors in advertisements is pertinent to enable consumers to interpret and comprehend the intended advertising meaning in the advertisement effectively, whilst not diminishing the level of creativity. So, in order to support the research, the three top key research questions are as followed: what impact does advertising clutter has on advertising culture today; what is the effect of complex visual metaphors in global advertising; and what are the factors that influence consumer behaviour patterns. They would be answered through the study of the three key issues, covering the area of The Rise of Advertising Clutter In Todays Advertising Context, An Analysis Of Indirect Advertising Claims As An Effective Communication and Understanding The New Connected Generation Today. The chosen primary research methods will consist of questionnaires and focus groups with the consumer age twenty-one and above. They would be used to gain valuable insight of how well they understand on the indirect claims approach of an advertisement and the consumers behaviour respectively. The overall intention of this research is to examine how the rise of advertising clutter has led to the questioning of the credibility of advertising. Hence, in order to rectify the existing issue, the use of appropriate metaphorical expression can be adopted. The findings from this research would benefit the advertising and student designers of the present advertisement clutter issue, giving them a better understanding on what is the denotation of appropriate visual metaphor, which can be a solution to break through from the clutter line. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Research Problem The evolution of advertising has changed over time. Advertising has become such a vital role in our lives that in fact, we probably do not realise how much it influences our lives and behaviour. Compared to the past decades, it is not surprising to see a signifciant jump of how much one can get exposed to advertisment today, with the presence of global access to internet, high-speed conncections, text messaging which contributed much to the advertising clutter. (Weyland, 2008). Advertisers are constantly trying to reach out to the consumer while they race to cover every available space that has the potential to launch a successful campagin, be it if it is an illegal placement of advertisement. Hence, such harsh reality causes a strong presense of intense competion among one another in the industry which resulted in advertising clutter, and lost of credibility of advertising. With the rise of advertising clutter, consumers are engulfed by such a large exposure of advertising available that give them ample reasons to be skeptical or distrustful of advertising. This will undeniably produced a negative impact on the advertising industry. Since the presence of advertising clutter has questioned on the credibility of todays advertising. The identified Design Issue for this research was: On the average, everyone is exposed to 3000 advertisements in a day (Twitchell, 1996). As such, ad clutter has resulted in advertising designers attempting to create rather complex visual metaphorical expression in advertisements in their bid to be more creative to stand out from the clutter. However, the fact is that the increased use of such approach has hindered the consumers interpretation of the advertisement and the intended advertising meaning. Design Hypothesis In order to address the identified Design issue, the Design Hypothesis of this research is: In the quest to tackle the rising issue of ad clutter, the use of appropriate visual metaphors in advertisements is pertinent to enable consumers to interpret and comprehend the intended advertising meaning in the advertisement effectively, whilst not diminishing the level of creativity. Toncar and Munch (2001) have proposed that, if consumers are able to process and digest the metaphorical expression of an advertisement, the chances of persuading and impressing the consumer is undeniably higher. However, McQuarrie and Mick (1996) have deduced that such intricate advertisement expression could pose a restrain for the consumer to get the intended meaning of the advertisement. Hence, this could deduce that Visual Metaphor is a visionary strategy for consumers to apprehend advertisement and further proceed into engaging their thought process within, to envisage it. In fact, many advertisers are still adopting such approach due to its effectiveness, a divergent interpretation from the straight forward literal ad we normally pick out. However, with this unique approach in advertising, there are times where consumers could not perceive in the understanding and interpretation of an advertisement through visual metaphor, thus the whole objective has come to naught. With appropriate use of metaphorical expression, the approach could lead to effective communication in advertising. Aims Of The Research The consumers rate of exposure to advertisement has been incredibly overwhelming which led to the questioning of effective communication in advertising. Hence, the main aim of this research was to address the rise of advertising clutter and the consequences of it. A more specific aim of the research was to investigate the denotation of appropriate visual metaphor and how it can be adopted to break through from the clutter line without hindered the consumers interpretation of the advertisement and the intended meaning. Research Questions The following three top key research questions, forming the pillars of the research paper have been identified in order to meet the aims of this research. The three research questions were: 1. What impact does advertising clutter has on advertising culture today? The objective of the first research questions was to obtain a valuable understanding of what causes the rise of advertising clutter and how it led to the decreases of advertising effectiveness, which could further address and substantiate the design issue with supported analysis. 2. What is the effect of complex visual metaphors in global advertising? The objective of the second research question was to gain insights into how complex metaphorical expression has hindered the intended advertising meaning. Valuable knowledge will be gain from the research on the appropriate solution to it. 3. What are the factors that influence consumer behaviour patterns? The objective of the third research question was to find out the various factors influencing the behaviour of a consumer when making a purchase. To have a better understanding on why consumers make the purchases that they make. Significance of the Study (Need to introduce the target audience here state also why have they been chosen and provide the relevance to the research topic. Also, elaborate on the impact this research paper would create on who and what. Is it the advertising industry and/or the society at large? Give an overview of the kind of insights this research paper would be able to offer to who would the insights benefit. Is it advertising designer, both students and professionals. Remember to show the link between the research topic and the your specialism) For this research, the primary and secondary target audience groups identified for this research were advertising professionals and student designers respectively. These two groups were chosen, as they will be the one who will direct the next advertising revolution and produce potential advertisement that are able to communicate effectively with the consumer. Furthermore, the overall research topic would be relevant to the advertising specialism where there is an in-depth study of decoding visual metaphors in advertising. This research would impact and create awareness to the advertising industry where it is very important that designers need to know the usage of complex metaphorical expression could possibly hindered the consumers interpretation of the intended advertising meaning. Hence, this would further outline to the advertising industry of the denotation of appropriate visual metaphor in advertisements for effective communication, where such use would communicate and convey the appropriate message to the consumer receiving it. The findings gathered from this research would offer an insight of the present advertisement clutter issue, who will then benefit both the advertising professionals and student designers of having the need to exercise caution on the usage of metaphorical expression that will lead to effective advertising communication. Research Methods (Follow the structure as shown in the example given) The following research methods will give an overview of what each method plans to do and find out. Primary research Focus group would be conducted, to gain insight of how consumers interpret an advertisement through having a dialogue that relates to advertising and visual metaphorical expression. This would give a specific direction on what type of visual metaphor is appropriate for their understanding. Questionnaires would also be conducted, to collect information and analyse how advertising today could influence the consumers buying behaviour. This would have a better insight of how to more effectively reach out to the consumer. Secondary research It involves an in-depth understanding of the issues surrounding my topic through literature review. The key areas will be focusing on consumer behaviour, visual metaphor in advertising and the rise of advertisement clutter. The research will be looking into successful case studies to support my hypothesis statement as well. Structure of the essay Chapter 1, Introduction, would give a very clear outline of the identified Design Issue with supported background, followed by the introduction of the Design Hypothesis with a very clear proposed solution on how the identified problem would be addressed. The Aims of the essay, Research Questions, Significance of the study, Research Methods would also be elaborated in this chapter to provide the reader with a clear understanding and the intention of this research paper. Chapter 2, Literature review, would investigate three identified key issues through readings gathered from credible resources. They were: The Rise of Advertising Clutter In Todays Advertising Context, An Analysis Of Indirect Advertising Claims As An Effective Communication and Understanding The New Connected Generation Today. These three key issues would provide a better understanding of the Design Issue, whilst supporting the Design Hypothesis statement through answering to the three overarching key issues and research questions. Chapter 3, Research process, would outline an in-depth of the research process, with a detailed analysis of the results that has been gathered from the focus group interview and questionnaires. This would aid in getting valuable information that would not have been able to done in literature review. Chapter 4, Research findings, would gathered all the findings analysis from Literature Review, Focus Group Interview and Questionnaires to substantiate the answers to the top key research questions, which would bring this research closer to its upcoming conclusion. Chapter 5, Conclusion, would state the challenges and difficulties encountered during the process of this research in an equitable way. Furthermore, it would provide a conclusion statement for this research topic and suggest with recommendations for possible future research. Chapter 6 and 7, References and Appendices, would give credit to what research sources were used to ensure credibility of the research essay. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Outline The literature review would be structured into three sections, consist of three main topics for the research. The three key issues were namely, The Rise of Advertising Clutter In Todays Advertising Context, An Analysis Of Indirect Advertising Claims As An Effective Communication and Understanding The New Connected Generation Today. There will be findings entailing on the rise of advertising clutter that has led to a decrease in effectiveness of advertising, and how metaphorical expression can be an approach to break through the clutter. The first section, The Rise of Advertising Clutter In Todays Advertising Context would address the increase of advertisement clutter and how the presence of it would decrease the effectiveness of advertising. It would cover with findings of how to break through the clutter line. The second section, An Analysis of Indirect Advertising Claims As An Effective Communication would discuss about how complex visual metaphorical could hindered the consumers interpretation of the advertisement but with the use of metaphorical expression that is deemed appropriate with supported theories, it could lead to an effective communication in advertising. The third section, Understanding The New Connected Generation Today would be to understand the new consumer generation today where there is always a change in the consumption pattern and behaviour. The last section would be the Gaps In Literature, it would identified the gaps that is unobtainable in the literature review. Hence, the gaps would need to be identified where the findings could then be obtained using primary research methods, namely Focus Groups and Questionnaires. The Rise of Advertising Clutter In Todays Advertising Context Todays advertising is truly surrounded with high level of advertisement clutter. Batra, Muers Aaker (2009) explain by taking the high profile magazines for example, they have almost one-half of their section contained with advertisements while the other half was then carried with genuine editorial contents. Hence, this could lead to the effectiveness of advertisement being greatly reduced. Competition between advertisers as a factor resulting in the advertising noise In the advertising industry, with competition among different brands of the same product, where one company offering quality products at reasonable price, other advertisers will follow suit coming out with better advertising schemes which leads to competition among one another (Mukesh Ranju, 2009). Hence, due to the proximity of competing brands from the same product. It has come to a certainty that advertisers have themselves to blame for the current presence of advertising noise. With regards to this, it firmly substantiate and justify the fact that advertisers are responsible of contributing to advertising noise due to the intense competition between one another and to offer better deals with the usage of advertisement exposure to grab the consumers attention. Take the newspapers for example; advertiser paying for advertisement space because they believe it is an effective way to reach out to the consumer without considering the possibility of other advertisers having the same thought as well (OReilly Tennant, 2009). This has been further magnified by competitive brands making very similar performance claims. As a result, it turns out to be rivalry, competing for the consumers attention. Such manifestation of advertisement competition between advertisers has contributed to the rise in advertising noise. Thus, the above mentioned is absolutely critical for designers to be aware of such emerging issue of advertisement clutter. Increasing ad clutter has led to a decrease in effectiveness of advertising. Thomas OGuinn, Chris Allen Richard J. Semenik (2008) mention that everyone abhors ad clutter and the rate it is generating, is getting out of hand. Its been a deep concern on how the rise of ad clutter actually diminishes the credibility of advertising where consumer is exposed to over thousands of advertisement exposure. Therefore, this could actually agitate the consumer where they can be expected to shut off totally from the advertisement they are exposed to, decreasing the effectiveness of advertising. The producing of more advertisement is similar to the logic of printing money. The more money you produced out there, the lesser value you are able to benefit (OReilly Tennant, 2009). This could deduce that consumers perceived clutter as one that would deteriorate the advertising effectiveness and has become an annoyance due to the widespread of large media explosion. Today, the advertisers faced tough struggle of reaching out to their intended consumers. For consumer to simply do away with advertisement clutter, many people seemed to fail to observe an unnoticed feature that has been with us for a long time, the mute button (OReilly Tennant, 2009). This added on to the alarming issue where consumer can now simply do away with clutter and escaping from infuriating commercials through the mute button, which indirectly led to advertisement avoidance and causing the effectiveness of advertising. Eventually, this resulted to a catastrophe for the advertising industry, where such advertisement avoiding technology feature would most likely decrease the effectiveness of advertisement as they get to tune out any advertisement. As such rate, television commercials may not be an ideal way to reach out to consumer in the future. Breaking through the competitive ad clutter. Its a battle royal to break through and find a place that is free from competitive noise and clutter. It has been asserted that alternative ways have been adopted to break through from such clutter and one of the alternatives is the usage of a good metaphor (Mc Quarries Barbara, 2008). The study of breaking through the clutter could be applied on the use of metaphorical expression but with supported marketing technique. The strategy is clearly outlined in (Mark Hughes, 2005). There is a need to look into the positioning and repositioning in order to break through from such competitive ad clutter. Clutter-Free is a media that dont compete with any other advertising. It is all about looking for opportunity to create a new platform for itself just like how billboards used to be a clutter-free medium and that it did not exists until Burma Shave make a break through to it (Mark Hughes, 2005). Hence, this could deduce that the means of exploring new revenue could result in taking total ad vantage of reaching to the consumer. Here is another example to further explain with, where familiar product such as Kleenex, Xerox Copiers and Campbell Soup didnt have to think of alternative to break through clutter because initially, there was none (Larson, 2010). This could substantiate the fact that being the first and exclusive among the alternatives in the similar product stands a higher chance to be recalled by the consumers. For advertising to be effective, it must break through clutter through the use of creative advertisement that could motivate the audience to pay attention and engage them in processing the advertisement (Terence A. Shimp, 2010). Therefore, with the intense advertising clutter, the usage of clutter free media strategy can be a media to explore into, in a bid to capture attention and break though the clutter line. An analysis of indirect advertising claims as an effective communication To have an advertisement that works, one good approach is through the use of a strong metaphor (Hewett, 2009). From the previous section above, which mentioned about clutter free as an effective media technique. Having said, it is insufficient to achieve effective advertising with just the media itself. The choice of media used and the advertisement approach is crucial. Thus, this can be supported with the indirect advertising claims approach, playing side by side for effective communication to the consumer. A visual metaphor uses an image of one thing to compare to something that belongs to another category, but hold the similar characteristics. Advertisers have begun to realise that through the use of visual metaphor, it could give consumer a fresh insight on the interpretation of an advertisement. Understanding the identification of target and source in visual metaphors. Metaphor involves no more than two domains namely target and source, where the requirement should be distinctive as in two phenomena in given context belong to different categories but are presented in a way that belongs to one thing (McQuarries Barbara, 2008). Deploying metaphor is an effective way to make positive claim communication to the consumer provided with an understanding on the essence of metaphor, through the identification of target and source. Smith, et al (2005) explain with an example of an for Canadian Furs that had superimposed the intended meaning of get wild over an image, which the metaphor target term will be the female model and the source will be her wearing a fur coat to portray the get wild over her image perception. Metaphors as a persuasive device should allows consumer to draw a conclusion that is well comprehended (Gozzi, 1999). Thus, the identification of target and source should be comprehensible when it comes to visual metaphors advertising. The understanding of the correct indication on the target and source in visual metaphor could be further elaborated through some of the findings (refer to Appendix). Therefore, with a better knowledge of the identification, advertising professional and student designers are able to produced advertisements that enable consumers to interpret the intended advertising meaning. The usage of indirect claims increases the persuasiveness of the message. Metaphorical expression has been an effective approach to make positive claims in the advertising sector. (McQuarries Barbara, 2008). The characteristic of visual metaphor-based advertisement is to enable consumer to think and imagine further which could simply influence consumer in the comprehending of things, which they have no knowledge of (Malamed, 2009), (Smith, 2005). Hence, visual metaphor could be used on situations that are difficult to convey for example emotions, which would help to make them explicit and tangible. One of those brands that have achieved iconic status is the Coca-Cola with the good use of visual metaphor where they look into emotional connections to work effectively with the consumer (Morgan Pritchard, 2003). Such approach can be enriching where it provide a positive connection between the advertisement images with the user, more on the emotional rather than the functional returns of it. Another brilliant example to support is the Volvo 850 commercial that was launched in the UK. It shows on how such approach can be a device to convey complicated characteristics. The car in the commercial is relate into a galloping horse that best represent the speed and handling, as though it is a living car with the relation of both the horse and rider representing the driving experience. (John Philip, 1999). The studies show that an idea where meanings are embedded could effectively persuade and remain in the consumers mind for a very long time. This is because it employed a rich mix of experience by relating the car to a horse that communicate the ideal driving experience. Complexity of indirect claims can be obstructive and misleading to the consumer. Indirect claims can be an advantage over direct claims. However, there is a downside of it as well. Tanaka (1994), Philip (1999) state that weak implicatures might resulted consumer jumping into a conclusion based on their individual personal knowledge and unable to interpret the intended meaning of a metaphor. If the metaphorical expression in advertisement cannot convey a strong implicature, then the overall persuasiveness may compromise due to its complexity. (P. M. Burns and L.Bibbings, 2010) says that if the visual account is not informative, metaphors might not necessary be always successful as consumer can get misinterpreted and misunderstood due to the difficulty of visualising the outcomes. Hence, this could imply the fact that metaphors can only be interpreted successfully with caution use on the choice of visuals that do not require complex processing effort from the consumer reading it. The above mentioned downside of visual metaphor advertisement could be further supported by one of the advertising flops in the recent years. The Intel Company found itself over a controversy on a print advertisement, showing a white man surrounded by six black sprinters. The intention of the advertising message is to place emphasis on the performance of Intels Cor 2 Duo Processors to boost productivity and efficiency by running multiple computing-intensive applications at once through the visual metaphor of sprinters down in set positions ready to take off. However, many viewers got misinterpreted and saw it as a group of dark-skinned men bowing down in subservience to a smug, light-skinned overseer. It created such a controversy that Intel had to pulled this controversial ad and make an apology with Unfortunately, our execution did not deliver our intended message and in fact proved to be insensitive and insulting This could show the risk of consumers not interpreting a metaphor in the manner that was intended. The processing may be too demanding that it gets misinterpreted and may result in an undesirable message like what has shown above. Understanding the new connected generation today How are consumers changing today? The diversity of todays technology had given consumers an exceptional capability to decide what they want to view and not to view (Jaffe, 2005). This could substantiate how much consumer has been changing for the better and unquestionably a change in the consumer demand due to the technology given today. Thus, with the ever-growing change, there is a need to understand the mind of the consumer today as it is no longer an advertiser telling consumers what brand they should purchase but more to consumer deciding which brand to choose. Advancement in digital technology that results in the change in consumption patterns in consumer today Jones, Higgs, J.Ekerdt (2009) state that the manifestation of new technologies had opened up new windows for the consumption and leisure where it created sweeping changes to the way we communicate, work, travel and our living conditions. It has been evident that our society is undergoing a digital revolution where consumption practices have been continually changing in the consumer markets. The forms of consumption had changed the focus from purchasing product to buying experiences (Danziger, ). This could alludes to the buying experiences has became important markers in the consumption today. It is no longer a focus on how to get consumer to purchase the product but a shift to the consumer behavior on how to engage them with the overall buying experiences. The above mentioned could be further supported by the case study of Viking Range Corporation where it offers commercial ranges in residential home. Due to the rapid change in consumption patterns, it now offers more than the purchasing of product where Viking launched its cooking school and tackle on the direction of consumers passion for cooking and their experience with the Viking product. (refer to Appendix ). The marketers must think beyond the point of selling a product, to how the product could provide and lift up the consumers experience through other alternatives. (Danziger, ) This is a good study of how advertisers could adapt to the change in consumption patterns. Hence, Advertising Professionals and Designer should think beyond the quality and advantage of the product they are featuring, looking into the aspects of how experience can be integrated into part of the advertisement. Addressing consumers short attention for effective advertising communication The consumers short attention span was something, which the advertising industry has been looking into. The conversation with an advertising executive claimed that in advertising today, it needs to take less than a second to grab the attention of the consumer with an image, compared to the eight seconds they used to have two decades ago (Peterson, 2003). This could indicate getting an image to the consumers attention had become shorter than before due to the immense exposure of all the media that had been available in the present day. Hence, it is very important to choose the one thing to be conveyed due to the time limitation. In particular of the television commercial field, there is no doubt that there was a shift in the commercial trend in order to address the short attention span issue as well. In the early days, all the commercials were 60 seconds long before the 30-second spots were introduced which then brought about the availability of 15-second and 10-second spots as well (White, 2003). Hence, the shrinking attention span of the consumers introduces the shortening of commercial length. Commercials that are shorter than 30-seconds are embedded with surprise value way before commercial-haters can do something about it, while those that last longer than 30 seconds are more towards story-telling in a bid to appeal to the consumer (Elliott, 2005). For other media, it includes the introducing of sensory advertising such as scent strips, 3-D glasses and fancy pop-up advertisement in magazine which have a higher possibility to get the consumers attention with the vary visual aspects (Laplace, 2002). Thus, this could show how the industry tried their means and ways to get the message across to the consumer in order to address short attention span for an effective advertising communication. Consumers response to advertising appeal and tone What type of advertising appeal work best in getting the attention of the consumer? Engaged in consumers emotions is a powerful tool in advertising where it allows no cogent reason for them to purchase product that they do not need. (Danziger ). This could substantiate that emotions play an important role in getting the consumers response from buying more things thro

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Anxiety Culture

Theme Society must give up the belief of hard work that we acquired from the Puritan era to live a true, happy, and fulfilling life. Attitude concern, informational, reflective (Tone) A Audience The working class R Rhetorical Rhetorical question- â€Å"How can you despise ease and laziness then Strategy not feel guilty when you take a rest? † (Anxiety Culture: The puritan Work Ethic)Commentary In the magazine article, â€Å"Anxiety Culture: The Puritan Work Ethic. † by Brian Dean, he uses the rhetorical question â€Å"How can you despise ease and laziness then not feel guilty when you take a rest? ‘ to allow the readers to answer the question in their mind and get them thinking about the topic. The reader gets the point of the article clearly by answering the question in their heads without the author having to state it directly.Brian Dean leads the reader, with this rhetorical question, to realize that we all have something inside of us that keeps us from slowin g down and relaxing. Then, Dean goes on to explain why we do have these beliefs and what is programmed inside of us to believe it is right. I tried the challenge given by the author and failed very quickly! I only could do it for approximately 1 hour and 48 minutes. When I was Just laying there doing nothing, I felt this flood of remorse, and I could not stop thinking about all the things I should e doing instead of this.It was also really hard for my mom, because I help her around the house and by each minute she became increasingly annoyed. I agree with the article that we are programmed not to relax, and to constantly be occupying ourselves with work. It was one of the hardest things to do. STARS By Triennial Puritan Work Ethic) Commentary In the magazine article, â€Å"Anxiety Culture: The Puritan Work Ethic,† by then not feel guilty when you take a rest? † to allow the readers to answer the

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Necessity of Nursing

The Necessity of Nursing Assistants to Improve the Quality of Patient Care Introduction The quality of care received by patients is of fundamental importance to healthcare organizations. A well-documented happening that has Impacted health care settings across the world Is the nursing shortage (Tasks. 2003). Due to the current nursing shortage, it is often difficult for nurses to provide all the care patients need. According to Quality (2005), by reason of this shortage of Registered Nurse (RAN) staff, there are many less-complex tasks that Urns can delegate to Nursing Assistants (NAs).This allows Urns to concentrate on more complex nursing tasks. Improving the patients' overall quality of care. Nursing Assistants fulfill an important role in today's health care industry. Problem Analysis The Nurse Executive of a 125-bed health care facility believes that the facility needs more NAs to improve patient care. This belief was brought on by Physical Therapists noting that many patients a re not ambulating or sitting up as often as they should. Nursing Assistants are fundamental to the daily routine in all healthcare facilities, and therefore an Increase in their numbers would lad In solving this dilemma Quality, 2005).According to the American Nurses Association, delegation of tasks must be based on the state's nurse practice act, as well as the individual skills of the person that the task is being delegated. The current situation of needing additional caregivers to lad In patients ambulating and sitting up would be an optimal opportunity to employ NAs to assist with this less complex task (Quality, 2005). Additionally, because Medicare and Medicaid payments are declining, employing NAs to assist patients is a cost-effective way to provide quality care.There is a significant cost savings in employing NAs, rather than hiring additional Urns, or Physical Therapists. The average Nurse Assistant salary ranges from $21 ,620 to $24,260, while Urns and Physical Therapists salary ranges from $49,600 to $59,521 (Quality, 2005). Higher acuity and rehabilitative needs of patients, along with increased life expectancy and the amount of people older that 65, establishes an obvious demand for NAs. This demand will only Increase as the baby boomers reach the age of 65 (Pennington, Congo. ; Magical, 2007).According to Whittle, Robinson, Henderson, ; Anderson (2005), elders are prone to experience an overall national decline in activities of daily living. The current problem being a need for additional staff to assist with patients requiring ambulation and sitting up must be addressed. Inability to provide quality care results in increased length of stay. As well as increased discharges to nursing homes (Whittle, et al. , 2005) When adequately trained, educated, and appropriately supervised, lower paid, non-professional staff tofu can greatly relieve the burden on Physical Therapists and Urns.This allows Urns and Physical Therapists to adequately provide pati ent care requiring their professional bevel of skill and education (Tasks, 2003). As a consequence of this current situation an efficient and effective plan must be brought into action. Strategies A possible strategy to immediately manage this current patient care situation on an interim basis until a permanent plan can be implemented would be to redistribute the workload of the NAs currently working. Currently the average AN spends most of their time changing linens and bathing.Giving approximately eight to ten baths and changing linens each day leaves little time for assisting patient with activities of daily living, specifically sitting up and ambulating. This writer suggests giving patients a bath and changing linens every other day, unless soiled. Partial baths are to be given on the off days. All patients will receive daily face, hand, and perinea care; male patients will be shaved daily (Whittle, et al. , 2005). The hospital patient advocate can develop a patient information flyer to be provided to all patients describing the new practices and purpose for them.The NAs would assist patients with sitting three times daily, preferable at meal times. Not only does this simulate a routine, it facilitates the digestive process and decreases the risk of aspiration. Additionally, NAs will ambulate patients according to the recommendations of the Physical Therapist and document the distance of ambulation; working with patients daily to increase this distance over the course of their hospital stay. Whittle et al. (2005), performed research on elders similar to the suggestion of the writer.Their research found that the presence of having NAs available to assist with sitting up and ambulating patients would be highly supported by Physical Therapists and Urns. Additionally, they received no complaints from patients about the decreased frequency of bathing. Possible positive patient outcomes are decreased length of stay and fewer discharges to nursing homes. Moreover , their research revealed that AN turnover decreased from 175% in 2000 to in 2004 (Whittle, et al. , 2005).A potential strategy of increasing the amount of NAs on a long-term scale is to implement measures to develop the skills of the non-professional staff. Investing the time and cost to educate and develop the internal resources of the facility will increase the capabilities of the AN. Additionally, employees are likely to experience higher levels of Job satisfaction. Healthcare organizations often have untapped sources of non-professional employees that would appreciate the opportunity to invest in their personal growth and education by enrolling in a facility provided training program.Increasing the level of NAs staffed and providing the quality of care all patients deserve will improve the overall morale of the facility. Further, patients will have a perception of increased quality of their hospital experience (Tasks, 2003). Budget Proposal Increasing the AN staffing is necessa ry for this facility. By increasing AN staff rather than Urns or Physical Therapists, it offers a dramatic savings to the facility. The alarm of a AN ranges from $21,620 to $24,260. The salary of Urns and Physical Therapists ranges from $49,600 to $59,521. This offers the facility a savings of $27,980 to $35,261.Basically this facility could hire two, possible three, NAs for the amount of one RAN, or Physical Therapists (Pennington, Congo, ; Magical, 2007). Due to the decrease of Medicare and Medicaid payments and allotted days of OSP tall stay; employing NAs could assist in more efficient recovery to patients Shortening the length of patient stays will decrease the usage of resources, therefore offering additional cost savings (Whittle, et al. 2005). For example, if a Medicare patient stays longer than the allotted time of the DRAG code, the facility is responsible for those costs (H.Mills, personal communication, November 10, 2008). For this reason, it is important to ensure that patients are discharged within their recommended hospital stay allowance, while still providing optimal care. Implementation of a facility training program would require a great amount of planning and effort. The hospital education department could use their resources to train the staff interested in assisting with the program. Additionally, once the AN students received this training they could be mentored by skilled and educated NAs during a four week proprietorship.Allowing nurse assistant students to train offers additional help to the patients as well as cost savings to the facility. If the starting salary of a AN is $21 ,620, over the course of a four week proprietorship, one student, training 20 hours each week, offers the facility cost savings of approximately $831. 54. By using the resources already within the facility, there is no additional cost. The only cost to the facility would be that of books for the students and supplies for the training. The cost of 15 Nursing Ass istant books at $41. 95 would be $629. 25 (M.Richards, personal communication, November 5, 2008). These books could be signed out to the students and returned at the end of their class. The average cost of supplies used for training is $125. 00 (P. Step, personal communication, November 5, 2008). This cost could be a fee required for students to pay to be in the training program. Other than the cost of books this training program would not cost the facility an extreme amount of money and would greatly benefit the overall care received by patients, which should be the focus of all health care organizations.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Georgia Straight, By Adrian Mack And Miranda Nelson s...

The choices of words, research, and exceptional organization in an essay will amaze an audience, while a poorly written one will make a very strong argument ineffective. This failure of possessing a robust argument and being unable to effectively deliver it is expressed through Adrian Mack and Miranda Nelson’s â€Å"Vancouver Hockey Riot Is a Symptom of a Larger Problem†. The authors view the riot of June 15th, 2011 in a much broader perspective and intend to use the event as a means to attack the government. Published in the youth-oriented magazine, The Georgia Straight, the essay focuses to appeal to the youth of Vancouver and does this adequately through its aggressive tone. However, due to the lack of crucial evidence to support their claims and along with the hypocrisy within the piece, the effectiveness of the essay to express the argument is poor. Mack and Nelson begin their essay by taking a look at the â€Å"borderline psychotic† society of Vancouver (Mack and Nelson 209). The essay discusses the alienated community the city has become along with the foolishness of the youth. This information soon becomes misleading as the blame from the riot is dismissed from the city and is placed elsewhere. The outlook of the frenzy is taken from a much more expansive approach and this is evident in the statement: â€Å"It’s a problem that, as always, starts from the very top† (210). Mack and Nelson note that rather than the rioter’s being the problem, the economy and politicians are at fault