Saturday, March 28, 2020

3 Tips for Staying Focused at Work During the Holidays

3 Tips for Staying Focused at Work During the Holidays Don’t let your holiday shopping, budgeting, travel-planning- or the weather!- get the better of you this season. Stay focused on wrapping up your year and gearing up for 2017. 1. Deflect the interruptionsThe holidays are always extra distracting. Prepare yourself for the inevitable onslaught and don’t let yourself give in. Instead, use the interruptions to structure your day. Online shopping session? Office cookie break? Set these as deadlines for you to work toward and remain diligent  until its time for your break.2. Look for the right projectsEveryone’s schedules are erratic during the holidays. If you’re stuck working when everyone else is out of office, use the peace and quiet to get work done on your pet projects and big picture tasks. And don’t forget that holiday parties and lingering team lunches can be a great networking opportunity, rather than a waste of time.3. Don’t take it homeStaying focused at the desk means you don’ t have to stay late to get ahead or be on your email 24/7. Make sure to save your off-work hours for all of those distractions you’ve been fending off so successfully. Save time for your shopping and traveling and package-mailing and savor it. Guard it, even. And if you’re worried about getting those things done, schedule them as though they were after-hours meetings.Being mindful about distractions and staying focused will make you more relaxed throughout the holiday season. You’ll probably find you’re way ahead of the game once the fun is over and everybody’s back at work.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Problem set Essays

Problem set Essays Problem set Essay Problem set Essay Problem set BY lu19920218 ECE 302 Problem Set 9 Fall 2013 The following problems have been selected from the course text. 4. 78 In a large collection of wires, the length of a wire is X, an exponential random variable with mean 511 cm. Each wire is cut to make rings of diameter 1 cm. Find the probability mass function for the number of complete rings produced by each length of wire. 4. 85 The exam grades in a certain class have a Gaussian pdf with mean m and standard deviation o. Find the constants a and b so that the random variable Y = ax + has a Gaussian pdf with mean m and standard deviation o . 4. 86, 4. 87 Let X = U n where n is a positive integer and U is a uniform random variable in the unit interval. Find the cdf and pdf of X. Repeat for the case where U is uniform in the interval [-1, 1]. 4. 94 modified Let Y = a where X is uniformly distributed in the interval (-1/2, 1/2). a. Show that Y is a Cauchy random variable. b. Find the pdf of Z = IN . 4. 96 Find the pdf of X† In(l U where U is a uniform random variable in (O, 1). . 9 modified Let X be a random variable with mean m. Compare the Chebyshev inequality and the exact probability for the event {IX m I c} as a function of c for the case where: a. X is a uniform random variable in the interval b]; b. X has pdf fX(x) = 2 exp(-alxl); c. X is a zero mean Gaussian random variable with variance 0 2 . 4. 100 Let X be the number of successes in n Bernoulli trials where the probability of success is p. Let Y = X/n be the average number of successes per trial. Apply the Chebyshev inequality o the event {IY pl a}. What happens as n †+ m? 4. 102 a. Find the characteristic function of the random variable X uniformly distributed over b). b. Find the mean and variance of X by applying the moment theorem. 4. 105 modified a. Show that the characteristic function of a Gaussian random variable X with mean m and variance 0 2 is 22 OX (w) = eJmw-o 12 . the characteristic function of Y = ax + b, a = O, where X is a Gaussian random variable. Hint: use the definition of (w), namely, OY (w) = E[eJwY ].